Concert for a Cause: A Heartfelt Mission of Service The Grade Six Outreach Journey
JAN 27

Over the years, Manresa School has been deeply committed to helping our less fortunate brothers and sisters. This act of kindness has been taught and shared among us students. With that, various programs to assist the poor have been organized by the school. Last November 2024, the Grade Six pupils of Manresa showcased their amazing talents during The Grade Six Shines and Mini Concert for a Cause. The funds raised from the concert were allocated for their upcoming outreach program. The teachers assisted in purchasing essential products, such as food and toiletries, to be donated to the orphanages of Pequeña Casa de Nazareth and Little Mary’s Home.
The outreach programs were held on Saturdays in December 2024 and January 2025, allowing everyone to have adequate rest since it was the weekend. Upon arriving at the venues, the Manresa students were warmly welcomed by the sisters and children from the orphanages. Their politeness and hospitality immediately made us feel at home. Each section had planned and prepared various activities and games for the children. Some students also performed short numbers to entertain the group. These activities provided opportunities for interaction and meaningful connections.
We were encouraged to bring food to share with everyone. Over a meal, we had the chance to talk with the kids and get to know them better. A gift-giving ceremony followed, where we handed over the essential items we had purchased. Some students also contributed old but reusable items, such as toys and school supplies. The day was filled with joy and gratitude. The children from the orphanages deeply appreciated this small yet meaningful gesture of kindness. More than that, we felt fulfilled in expressing service and love through our visit to Pequeña Casa de Nazareth and Little Mary’s Home.
“When there is no room for the poor, there is no room for me,” said our Mother Foundress, Saint Candida. Known for her compassionate love for the poor, she inspires us to follow her example by showing compassion to those in need. We are called to be a blessing and a role model to others.
By: Meredith Haley D. Arceo
Grade 6 – Self-discipline