Mother General Graciela Francovig, FI Visits Manresa School
APR 24

The General Superior of the Hijas de Jesus Congregation Sr. Graciela Francovig, FI had her canonical visit to Manresa School last April 18-19, 2023. She was accompanied by Sr. Maria Teresa Pinto, FI (General Consultor for Asia) and Sr. Emelinda C. Falsis, FI (Provincial Superior). This is the first time that Sr. Graciela visited the Philippines since she was elected as General Superior during the 18 th General Congregation in 2018.
The school community affectionately welcomed the General Superior in the morning of April 18, 2023. A short program was held in the gym to officially introduce the visitors to the students, faculty and staff who, in turn, enthusiastically welcomed the sisters by waving the flaglets of Bangladesh, Japan, and Philippines, representing the countries under the Indico- Pacific Province of the Hijas de Jesus Congregation. Sr. Graciela addressed the body by telling them how grateful she was for the warmth and hospitality of the Filipinos. After the program, she spent most of her time having individual conferences with the sisters, while Sr. Teresa met some of the teachers and students around the campus.
At 4:00 in the afternoon, the MSFSO organized an encounter with the General Superior at the school’s main AVR. Representatives from the MSPA, BCMF and MSAA also came to meet the general superior. Dances and music entertained everyone. There were also sharing about the school’s response to the Apostolic Calls and Global Compact on Education. The highlight of the encounter was the message of the general superior expressing her gratitude to the active and alive missionary activities of the school community. She also encouraged everyone, both sisters and lay, to continue living out the charism of Mo. Candida.
On the next day, the general superior finished her individual conference with the sisters, before visiting the pastoral center and community leaders in Fourth Estate Village, the adopted site of Manresa School in San Antonio, Paranaque.
Sr. Graciela and Sr. Teresa had been in the Philippines since April 2, 2023, on the commemoration of the Inspiration of Mo. Candida in El Rosarillo. They first visited the FI communities in Iloilo where the FI sisters had their first foundation in the Philippines. After meeting all the communities, Sr. Teresa Pinto is scheduled to go back to Rome on April 23, 2023 while Sr. Graciela will have her canonical visit in Taiwan.