Grace-filled Spiritual Milestone of the Grade 9 Confirmands
MAR 25
The beautiful morning of March 22, 2025 marked a momentous milestone for the Grade 9 Manresans as they received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Resurrection of Our Lord Parish (ROLP) Church in Phase 1, BF Homes, Paranaque City.
The Church was filled with great joy and anticipation as parents, godparents and guests joined the 166 Confirmands in celebrating the momentous day.
The concelebrated Mass was officiated by His Most Reverend Archbishop Francesco Panfilo, SDB, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, together with Rev. Msgr. Melchor David and Rev. Fr. John Paul Frias.
During his homily on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, His Excellency Archbishop Francesco warmly welcomed the confirmands into the Catholic Church. He then elucidated the significance of the Sacrament in their Christian journey like climbing a mountain, illustrating it as a spiritual ascent with Jesus, fostering friendship and intimacy with Him along the way. Archbishop Francesco also challenged the confirmands to embrace charitable acts: attending Sunday Mass with love for God to nourish their souls with the Holy Eucharist, regularly receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and engaging in personal prayer with Jesus.
Furthermore, Archbishop Francesco exhorted the students to embrace gratitude as Manresans for their spiritual and religious formation. He also encouraged them to be obedient to their parents, diligent in their studies, generous and available to those in need, and open to discerning a vocation to religious life. He presented the examples of Saints Ambrose, Dominic Savio, Maria Goretti, and Blessed Carlo Acutis, and to invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary as their guides and inspiration.
The solemn Confirmation Rite, officiated by Archbishop Francesco, filled the confirmands with joy. The grace-filled ceremony was a vibrant celebration of God's love, joy, and peace,
shared by the entire community.
Grade 9 - Justice
Grade 9 - Temperance
Grade 9 - Prudence
Grade 9 - Compassion
Grade 9 - Fortitude
The Teacher and Staff Confirmands with the Archbishop and School Administration
The Sisters, members of the Pastoral Team headed by Mr. Archee Curiba, together with the Grade 9 teachers, working committees and confirmands with His Excellency Archbishop Francesco Panfilo, SBD, D.D.
By Ms. Loi Mandario
Photos by: Ms. Denise Joy G. Du and Ms. Jenelyn M. Favila