Manresans Remember Blessed Antonia Bandres on her 104th Death Anniversary
APR 28
April 27, 2023 marks the 104th death anniversary of Blessed Antonia Bandres, a devout Hija de Jesus from Tolosa, Spain who lived a holy and simple life, following the examples of Mo. Candida Ma. De Jesus. To celebrate the feast of Bl. Antonia, Fr. Joseph “Jolan” Landero officiated the Eucharistic Celebration at Manresa School gym with the Manresa School educative community. The Mass was also streamed online through the school’s YouTube channel.
In his homily, Fr. Jolan encouraged the community to follow the examples of Blessed Antonia in living life to the fullest for the love God and neighbors. He added that by being a good example, we can influence others to do better and lead them closer to God.
Maria Antonia Bandres was born on March 6, 1898, the second child among 15 children of Atty. Ramon Bandres and Teresa Elosequi. She turned her back from a wealthy life, and joined the Hijas de Jesus congregation. On May 31, 1915, she professed her vows but she soon began to weaken and eventually was taken very ill. On April 27, 1919, she finally joined her Creator at the age of 21.
Blessed Antonia believes that “Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well.” She showed an exemplary life of virtue. She was not attached to material possessions, instead she served the poor and the needy. Her faith and serenity are founded on a deep relationship with God. Despite her condition on the last moments of her life, she remained happy and secured knowing that she will finally be in communion with God.